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Weekly Worksheets


>CLICK for this week's 2-page worksheet that focuses your giving in light of your INCOME SOURCES

WEEK #2 Worksheet - Lifestyle Expenses

>CLICK for this week's 2-page worksheet that focuses your giving in light of your LIFESTYLE EXP's

WEEK #3 Worksheet - Assets

>CLICK for this week's 2-page worksheet that focuses your giving in light of your ASSETS

WEEK #4 Worksheet - Giving

>CLICK for this week's 2-page worksheet that focuses your giving in light of your CURRENT GIVING

WEEK #5 Worksheet - New Giving Priorities

>CLICK for this week's 2-page worksheet that focuses your giving in light of your NEW PRIORITIES

WEEK #6 Worksheet - Thank You Letter to God

>CLICK for this week's letter that focuses your giving in light of your THANKS TO GOD

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