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40 True Generosity Stories by Brian Kluth

Audio & Written Scripts

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6

WEEK #1 True Stories






Day 1

A single mom’s grocery money



Day 2

African man saves children going blind



Day 3

NBC TV reporter asks, “Does God want you rich?”



Day 4

A middle-class family becomes millionaire givers



Day 5

Young girl helps buy a multimillion dollar camp for $1



Day 6

Managing God's supply line for over 40 years



Day 7

A Communist learns God is the true Owner & Provider




WEEK #2 True Stories






Day 8

Firewood for a church in Bulgaria



Day 9

Trusting God with a $20 bill



Day 10

Count your blessings every week


MP3 DAY 10

Day 11

Tithing story from an 89 year old woman


MP3 DAY 11

Day 12

The Cinderella winter boots


MP3 DAY 12

Day 13

God’s provision of a place to live for $100


MP3 DAY 13

Day 14

Tither's support group


MP3 DAY 14


WEEK #3 True Stories






Day 15

God knows Bob’s bus number


MP3 DAY 15

Day 16

Christian school refund check


MP3 DAY 16

Day 17

Little girl yelling, “God, I want my quarter back!”


MP3 DAY 17

Day 18

Psalm $67.07 blessing reaches to the ends of the earth


MP3 DAY 18

Day 19

Generosity devotional multiplies like loaves and fishes


MP3 DAY 19

Day 20

Bank failures in Mongolia leads to increased giving


MP3 DAY 20

Day 21

Laptop computer given for Bhutan Bible translation


MP3 DAY 21


WEEK #4 True Stories






Day 22

Disabled woman becomes a generous giver


MP3 DAY 22

Day 23

Emptying the checkbook the before a big job interview


MP3 DAY 23

Day 24

A businessman’s #1 financial priority


MP3 DAY 24

Day 25

God’s sword for fighting the dragon of materialism


MP3 DAY 25

Day 26

God provides for a woman with a 35% interest car loan


MP3 DAY 26

Day 27

African story: Jumping out of a tree into a father’s arms


MP3 DAY 27

Day 28

Idea on a napkin turns into a million-dollar donation


MP3 DAY 28


WEEK #5 True Stories






Day 29

Musical cars: 4 families blessed in 48 hours


MP3 DAY 29

Day 30

Getting God’s help out of a financial mess


MP3 DAY 30

Day 31

The $44 donation and the $45 dentist bill


MP3 DAY 31

Day 32

The miracle provision of a washer and dryer


MP3 DAY 32

Day 33

8-year-old boy gets to go to camp


MP3 DAY 33

Day 34

Thousands of men holding up wallets at PK events


MP3 DAY 34

Day 35

Truck manager donates 6 trucks to camp


MP3 DAY 35


WEEK #6 True Stories






Day 36

Birthday presents for Jesus at Christmas


MP3 DAY 36

Day 37

Worker on minimum wage donates $2,700 necklace


MP3 DAY 37

Day 38

Unexpected $500 sales bonus fulfills a faith promise


MP3 DAY 38

Day 39

Milk for a prisoner’s 6 children


MP3 DAY 39

Day 40

Factory worker’s $500 miracle bonus


MP3 DAY 40


Print Version of all 40 True Stories

Day 1 – A single mom’s grocery money

Nancy was a single mother with young children. Her ex-husband sent her only a small amount of grocery money every week--so small it couldn’t even feed 1 person, much less her family of 4. But Nancy decided to begin giving to God from her little bit of grocery money and trust Him to provide. Shortly after, she got a job with a cookbook company. The company paid Nancy to go grocery shopping and prepare meals so they could take photographs for their cookbooks. When they were done taking pictures, Nancy could keep the food she had purchased and prepared. Isn’t that an amazing story of God’s goodness? Nancy learned that even if you’re poor, you still need to learn to give from whatever you have.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 2 - African man saves children going blind

While ministering in Africa, I met a Christian worker who raised his 6 children on $10 a month. He told me the story of how children in his village were going blind because of a disease that could be prevented with medicine that only cost 50 cents. He began to pray and ask God to send a rich person to their village to help give the money for the medicine, but no one ever came. As he kept praying, the Lord told him he should give the money to buy the medicine. But with 6 children and only a $10 a month salary, he couldn’t see how he could do this. But he and his family prayed and decided that every month they would buy the medicine to help one child. When I last spoke with him, he'd been doing this for 7 years and had saved 84 children from going blind. And his family saw God meet all of their needs.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 3 – NBC TV reporter asks, “Does God want you rich?”

After my 40-Day Spiritual Journey to a More Generous Life book became an unexpected bestseller, I was contacted by NBC to do a TV news story. When the TV reporter interviewed me, she asked, “So, you think God wants everyone rich?” I said, “No, I don’t believe that.” She was a little surprised by my answer and then asked, “Well, what do you believe?” I responded, “I believe that everyone needs to learn to become more generous with whatever God has given them.” She then asked, “Well, didn’t your book becoming a bestseller make you rich?” I replied, “No, it helped me become more generous!” The truth is--every one of us in America is rich when you compare us to the rest of the world. What each of us needs to learn is how to become more generous with whatever God entrusts to us.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 4 - A middle-class family becomes millionaire givers

Steve owned a small business and had an annual salary of $50,000. He went to a conference where Dr. Bill Bright challenged people to give a million dollars to the LORD’s work. Steve told Dr. Bright it would be impossible for his family to give a million dollars. Dr. Bright asked, “How much money did you make last year, and how much did you give?” Steve said, “My salary is $50,000 and we gave $15,000.” Dr. Bright said, “Next year, trust God to help you give $50,000.” But Steve said, “That’s my entire salary!” Dr. Bright said, “Trust God and see how He provides.” With God’s help, Steve’s business did well and his family joyfully gave $50,000. The following year, God helped them give $100,000. Each year, his family lived on his $50,000 salary and gave all their extra income to the LORD’s work. Within several years, they gave over a million dollars!

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 5 - Young girls helps buy multimillion dollar camp for $1.00

I heard a missionary tell an amazing story of a child’s generosity. John Bechtel, a missionary in Hong Kong, wanted to start a Christian camp to reach people for Christ. A bankrupt multimillion-dollar hotel and conference center became available for sale. He made an offer to purchase the property and then traveled around the world to raise the millions he would need. But no one was willing to help and he returned to Hong Kong discouraged. Then one day he got a letter from a young girl that included $1 and a note saying she wanted him to use this to buy the camp. John Bechtel prayed and took the girl’s $1 to the real estate closing and the corporation decided to accept the $1 as full payment! Since the camp first opened, over a million people have come and over 100,000 have accepted Christ.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 6 - Managing God's supply line for over 40 years

In the 1950’s, Ressa and Al took $5,000 out of their savings and gave it to a pastor who wanted to start a Christian camp. The pastor ultimately left his church so he could direct the camp ministry full-time. For the next 40 years, Ressa and Al sent money to the camp every month. The first year, only 19 children attended the camp, but now thousands come to the camp every year. While the camp director was on the the front lines, Ressa and Al helped man the supply line with their monthly gifts. 1 Samuel 30:24 says those who stay with the supplies will share equally with those in the battle. In heaven, Ressa and Al will get to meet thousands of people they helped lead to Christ through their faithful and generous giving that helped start and sustain that camp for many years.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 7 - A Communist learns God is the Owner and Provider

A number of years ago, I was teaching a seminar on what the Bible teaches about finances to Christians in Eastern Europe. After the seminar, one of the people came and told me how much the teaching helped everyone. He said during the 70 years communism was in their country, people were told the Communist government owned everything and the government would provide for everyone. He went on to say that communism fell, and people came from America and said that capitalism was the way to go--where people own everything and they have to provide for themselves. He then said, today I learned the best news of all. God is the owner of everything and He is our provider. He learned people must be faithful and generous with whatever God gives them.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 8 – Firewood for a church in Bulgaria

Years ago, I was teaching a seminar in Europe on generosity. Nik, from Bulgaria, said he learned for the first time that everyone is to give to God from whatever they have. When he got home, a church group called him and asked if he knew any rich people who could give money to their church to buy firewood to keep their church building warm. Nik asked if they had enough wood to keep their own houses warm and they said, “Yes.” He told them that if God had blessed them with firewood, they should bring some of the wood to the church. They said, “No, that’s our wood.” Nik continued, “God has already blessed you with the wood you need for your church and your homes. But you need to learn to faithfully give from whatever God has given you!” Within a few weeks, the church received a winter’s supply of wood from all the church members!

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 9 – Trusting God with a $20 bill

I became a Christian while in college and began to attend church with my Christian friend who helped lead me to the Lord. One Sunday morning, during the offering, I looked in my wallet and was shocked to discover I only had some $20 bills. Before I was a Christian, I'd maybe put in a few coins or a dollar in the plate, but to give a $20 bill felt like an impossible task. But then I thought, If I don’t put something in the plate, my friend will probably think I really didn’t become a Christian. And, I actually thought, I wonder if I could put $20 in the plate and take out change! I then sensed the Lord speaking to my heart to trust Him, and give one of the $20 bills. If I had trusted Him to forgive my sins, couldn’t I also trust Him with my finances? I decided I could trust Him and I put $20 in the plate that day.  

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 10 – Count your blessings every week

When my wife and I were first married, we only made $15,000 a year. We were giving 10% of our income to the LORD’s work, but we had a desire to be even more generous. Then I came across 1 Corinthians 16:2 that says, “On the first day of the week, each of us is to give according to how God has prospered us.” I told Sandi that on Sunday nights I wanted to take out a pencil and paper and write down all the ways the LORD provided for us during the week. Each Sunday, we discovered that in addition to our small income, there would be special financial blessings that happened nearly every week. So, we'd give 10% of our income to our church and another 10% of the financial blessings we counted to share with others. The first year, we gave $4,000 to the LORD’s work on a $15,000 income.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 11 – Tithing story from an 89 year old widow

A friend e-mailed about his 89-year-old mother. She had called him on the phone to confess she hadn't been tithing because she was on a fixed income--but she'd decided that she was going to start faithfully tithing again. Within a few days, she got a call from her pastor asking her to go on a church prayer retreat with all the expenses paid by the church. The next day, she went to her bank to get some money and the bank teller told her, “Don’t withdraw any money, since your 90th birthday is coming up, our bank is going to give you a present of $100 in cash!" The following day, she got a letter from a community group to let her know she had been chosen to receive a $500 grant to help pay her utility bills. After she began tithing again, she was amazed at the unexpected provisions she received from the LORD.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 12 – The Cinderella winter boots

When I was in my 20s, I quit my executive job and joined the missionary staff of a Christian camp in northern Wisconsin. My salary was decreased by 90% but I had great joy in serving the LORD. When winter hit and the snow started to accumulate, I realized I only had city shoes and no warm boots. One morning, I prayed and asked God to send me money so I could buy winter boots. When I checked my mail, I received 3 letters from friends but there was no money in the envelopes. I was a bit discouraged; but then my friend, Larry, came into the camp office carrying a pair of boots and he wondered if anyone needed some warm boots. I told him I did and when I tried them on, I felt like Cinderella because they were my exact size! That day, I learned that God’s provisions were bigger than money.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 13 – God’s provisions of a house and food

When I was in my 20s, I moved to another city to take a new job. After I was told my salary, I sat down and wrote up a budget. First, I decided I would give 10% of my gross income to the LORD. I then discovered I could only afford $100 a month for rent and $55 a month for groceries. That wasn’t much money, but I prayed and asked God to lead me. That same day, someone invited me to their house for dinner. It was a large home where 6 single Christian guys lived. After dinner, they invited me to move in with them. I told them I couldn’t afford it. They then told me the rent was $100 a month and the shared grocery bill was $55 a month. I was blown away. I had decided to honor the LORD with 10% of my new salary and then God gave me a great place to live for exactly what I could afford. You, too, can learn to honor God and see Him provide.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 14 – Tither’s support group

While teaching a financial class in my church, I was sharing that people need to learn to give 10% or more of their income to God. Bob raised his hand and told me and the class, “I don’t agree with that--in this day and age with the high prices of everything there's no way that a Christian can afford to give to God first.” When I got home that night, Bob phoned me and asked, “Brian, do you really believe a Christian can afford to give to God first? I said, “Yes.” Bob said, “I’m too scared to do that. The only way I would have the courage to give to God first is if you started a Tither’s Support Group.” I told Bob we'd start with a group of 2. “You and me?” he asked. “No," I said, "You and God!” Starting that week, Bob became a faithful giver and he found out God was willing to be his faithful provider.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 15 – God knows Bob’s bus number

My friend Bob first started giving 10% or more of his paycheck to God when he was in his mid-30s. At first, he was scared to start doing this, but as time went on he discovered how faithful God could be in providing for his needs. One day he called me and told me the story of when  he was completely broke and couldn’t even afford to purchase the bus pass he needed to get back and forth to work. As he was sitting at his desk feeling sorry for himself, the phone rang and a woman in another department asked Bob if he knew anyone that needed a week’s bus pass for bus #47. Bob said, "That’s my bus #, and yes, I need a bus pass!” He was amazed. Bob was learning to give to God first when he got paid, and he was experiencing God as his faithful provider. He told everyone that God even knew his bus #!

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 16 – Christian school refund check

When my friend Bob first started giving 10% of his paychecks to the LORD, he was really scared to do this. One Sunday, Bob came to church with his check already written out. He saw me and said, “Brian, you better start praying. By giving this check today, I have no idea how my family is going to make it this week." I began praying and on Thursday night Bob called to let me know how God provided. On Wednesday, he got a letter from his children’s Christian school, saying a recent audit showed that 3 years earlier he had overpaid tuition by $138, and the refund check was enclosed. I jokingly told Bob that this was truly a bona-fide answer-to-prayer financial miracle since no Christian school in the history of the world had ever sent any parents a refund check!

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 17 – Little girl yelling, “God, I want my quarter back.”

At church one day, my friends Tom and Jean were trying to get their 4-year-old daughter, Amanda, to put a quarter in the offering plate. But Amanda squeezed her fingers tightly around the quarter and would not let it go. Much to the embarrassment of her parents and the snickers of people around them, they finally had to carefully pry each of her fingers off the quarter before it finally clinked into the offering plate. Later that afternoon, Jean heard Amanda playing on the back yard swing. Every time Amanda got as high as possible on the swing, she'd yell at the top of her lungs, “God, I want my quarter back! God, I want my quarter back!” Have you ever felt like Amanda? Do you sometimes have a hard time giving to God? You, too, can become a joyful giver without anyone having to pry your fingers off of what you’re so tightly holding onto.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 18 – Psalm $67.07 blessing reaches to the ends of the earth

One morning, I was having my daily devotions and I came across Psalm 67:7 that says, “God blesses us that all the ends of the earth will worship Him.” At work that day, I was given a small bonus. My first thought was: How can I use this financial blessing to help someone at the ends of the earth? That night in my small-group meeting, I was talking with a young woman who was going on a mission trip to a small island in the Philippines. That sure sounded like the ends of the earth to me. So with Psalm 67:7 still on my mind, I gave her $67.07 and told her when she got to her destination at the ends of the earth, to find someone that really needed help and give them the $67.07. A few weeks later, I got a letter from a young Filipino man telling me he received the money and that it met a great need in his life.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 19 – Generosity devotional multiplies

like 5 loaves and 2 fishes

Do you remember the little boy in the Bible who tried to give Jesus his lunch to feed the 5,000, and the disciples thought it wasn’t enough? When I first wrote the 40 Day Spiritual Journey to a More Generous Life Bible devotional, I contacted seven Christian publishers to see if any of them would want to publish it. They all told me no one would ever want a generosity devotional. But my wife and I still felt Jesus could use this devotional to bless thousands. So, we took some inheritance money and printed the first 15,000 copies. Within 2 years, we had to print over 300,000 more copies to keep up with the demand. We also got requests from around the world to translate the book into 43 foreign languages. We feel just like the little boy that gave Jesus his lunch and stood in amazement as Jesus kept multiplying it to feed thousands.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 20 – Bank failures in Mongolia leads to increased giving

One day I received an e-mail from a pastor in Mongolia. The banks in his country had failed, and people and churches were going through times of tremendous financial turmoil. He asked if there was any way I could help. I e-mailed him a version of my 40 Day Spiritual Journey to a More Generous Life Bible devotional that takes people through 400 Scripture verses and 40 biblical principles to help them learn how to manage their finances and giving. They translated the generosity devotional into Mongolian and gave a copy to all 1,100 believers in their church to prayerfully read through the devotional in their personal and family devotions for 40 days. He wrote back a few months later; the book had been a help to everyone and the church’s giving had increased nearly 60%.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 21 – Laptop computer given for Bhutan Bible translation

The Bible teaches we are to give from “whatever we have.” While ministering in India, I found myself without any cash and no ATMs within hundreds of miles. I met a Christian from Burma who for 10 years had been translating, by hand, the entire Bible into the Bhutanese language.  He had 66 school notebooks filled with all of his translation work. But he now needed a computer so he could type everything into the computer and have the Bible printed and distributed all over Bhutan. I wanted to help him, but I didn’t have any cash. The LORD then prompted my heart with the thought, “He doesn’t need money, he needs a computer; give him the laptop computer you have.” The next morning, I gave my laptop to this Christian brother so he could finish his translation work. He left rejoicing in God’s provision.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 22 – Disabled woman becomes a generous giver

A church in Kentucky began to teach an adult class using my 40 Day Spiritual Journey to a More Generous Life Bible devotional. One of the women attending the class was on disability, had never given any money to the church, was always asking for financial help from the church’s benevolence fund, and never served in any way. After the class was done, the pastor wrote me and said that through the 40 Day Generous Life devotional, this woman came to the joyful discovery that God wanted her to learn to become a generous and giving person. The pastor said the very first check she gave to the church after the class was over was for $2,800. She then began to generously donate her time, giving rides to any shut-ins that wanted to attend church. God transformed this woman from being a taker to being a giver.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 23 – Emptying the checkbook the day before a job interview

My friend, Matthew, was let go from his job. As the months passed, his family survived on unemployment checks and the last of their savings. On the night before a big job interview, he was going through his checkbook and realized he hadn't given to the LORD in a number of months.  Since he and his wife had learned to give at least 10% of their income to the LORD, he calculated how much they were behind in their giving and found out it was all the money they had left in their checkbook. So, he wrote out a check to the LORD for the full amount. When he told his wife what he did, she screamed. But he reminded her, “God is our provider and this is something we really need to do.” By God’s grace, he had a great interview and was offered a better job than the one he lost.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 24 – A businessman’s #1 financial priority

A number of years ago, while serving at a Christian camp, I met Steve, who was part owner in a family business. Steve was one of the most generous people I'd ever met and he gave many large donations to the camp. The family business went through some problems and Steve moved away to another state to start a new company from scratch. I visited him in his new offices and I knew his young company was struggling. During our meeting, he made a commitment to give another generous gift to the camp and I asked him, “Why?” He told me in his career he'd made a lot of money and lost a lot of money, but the only thing that remained constant was His giving to the LORD. Regardless of the ups and downs of the economy and his business, his No. 1 financial priority was to faithfully give to the LORD’s work.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 25 – God’s sword for fighting the dragon of materialism

My friend Don was a wealthy businessman and a very generous man. One day I asked Don, “Why are you so generous to the LORD’s work?” He said, “It helps me slay the dragon.” I asked, “What dragon?” He said, "In America the dragon of materialism breathes down our necks everyday. The fiery message from this dragon is that we cannot be content unless we keep spending more and more money on the latest, greatest, newest, and shiniest stuff." Don said, "The only way he knew how to fight this dragon was to be a faithful and generous giver. Every time he took out his pen to write out a check to the LORD's work, it was like taking a sword and telling the dragon to back off. Don used his giving to tell the dragon that he belonged to God and that everything he had came from God.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 26 – Miracle story of God's provision for a woman with a 35% car loan

I once knew a single woman named, Jan, who was having serious financial problems.  One of her debts was a car loan with a 35% interest rate.  She began to take financial classes at our church to help get out of the financial mess she was in.  During the class she discovered the importance of giving to God first whenever she got paid.  Our church was able to help her return the car to the loan company and get her debt 100% cancelled.  We were then able to find someone in our church to freely donate to Jan a dependable used car.  She always referred to this car as "God's car" and she offered to go and freely give rides to anyone who needed a ride to church.  She went from financial bondage to financial freedom and generosity.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 27 – African story: Jumping out of a tree into a father’s arms

I was teaching in Africa how the Bible tells us in Malachi 3:10 that God invites us to “test Him” when it comes to giving tithes and offerings. Afterwards, one of the men explained to me how African father’s teach their children to trust them. When a child is around 3 years old, a father will take the child and place him high up on a tree branch. He'll then go below the tree branch and tell the child to jump. The child is normally too scared to jump, but the father encourages him by saying, daddy is big enough, strong enough, and daddy will catch you. Finally, the child will push off from the tree branch and fall safely into the father’s arms. My African friend said when God invites us to give, he's encouraging us to push away from our financial fears and learn that God is big enough to safely catch us.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 28 – Idea on a napkin turns into a million-dollar donation

Friends of mine decided to sell their beautiful $4-million-dollar vacation home. But the house sat quietly on the market for 4 years. One day over lunch, the man commented to his wife, “Maybe the reason God hasn’t allowed the house to sell yet is that we don’t know what we'd do with all the money if it did sell.” So, they wrote down on a napkin what they'd do with the $4 million dollars if the house sold. First, they wanted to give over a million dollars to the LORD’s work by helping their church, widows and orphans, and missions. They also wanted to build a retirement home and be of help to their children. The very next day, they got a $4-million-dollar offer on the house! When the check arrived, they followed through on their commitment to give over a million dollars to the LORD.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 29 – Musical cars: 4 families blessed in 48 hours

One morning while I was praying, I felt prompted by God to give my car away! In our church, there was a single mother with 6 children and she was driving a Suburban and couldn’t afford the monthly gas costs. The station wagon I drove got great gas mileage, so I asked my wife what she thought about giving this family my station wagon, and she liked the idea. So, we ended up giving her our car in exchange for her Suburban. We then gave away her Suburban to a Christian camp missionary who needed a 4-wheel drive truck. We then purchased a car from a friend who desperately needed to sell one of their cars to generate some cash. This musical car exchange all happened within 48 hours from when I received a prompting from the LORD to give away my car.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 30 – Getting God’s help out of a financial mess

My friend George and his wife didn’t think they could trust God when it came to their giving and finances. So, they relied on their own financial wisdom and within a few years found themselves in tens of thousands of dollars in debt they couldn’t pay. They asked me to meet with them to find a way out of the mess they had created. I shared with them, “You've made such a mess of your finances that it is going to take all the help of heaven to get you out of this mess.” I explained that the only way I knew to heaven’s help in their finances was to start giving at least 10% of their income to the LORD’s work whenever they got paid. They agreed this was the right direction to go and in the coming weeks, months, and years, the LORD helped them get out of the financial mess they'd created for themselves.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 31 – The $44 donation and the $45 dentist bill

My friend George was tens of thousands of dollars in debt. I shared with George and his wife that to experience God’s help in their finances they'd need to learn to give at least 10% of their income to God’s work whenever they got paid. The next time George got paid, he looked at his stack of bills, looked at his checkbook, and then with a shaking hand wrote his first check to the LORD’s work for $44. He called a few days later and told me that his wife went to the dentist and the receptionist commented that they had an outstanding bill of $45 but that the dentist had made a decision to forgive this debt. George and his wife were amazed at the creative way God had made up the amount they had given as they began to trust Him with their finances.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 32 – The miracle provision of a washer and dryer

My friend George was tens of thousands of dollars in debt. I shared with George and his wife the importance of faithfully giving to God, not going further into debt, and learning to pray about their needs. A few weeks later, their washer and dryer broke on the same day and they couldn’t afford to fix or replace them. So, instead of going further into debt, they decided to pray about this need. A few days later, George was helping his neighbor, who was moving out of state. After they loaded the moving truck, they realized they'd forgotten the washer and dryer. When they tried to load them in the truck, there was no room. The neighbor then sold this 2-year-old washer and dryer to George for $100! Through George’s faithful giving and prayers, he learned that Jesus could be his Provider.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 33 – 8-year-old boy gets to go to camp

My office worker’s grandson was visiting in the office one day. Little Isaiah was 8 years old and his parents were going through a difficult divorce. Isaiah came up to my office to say hi and I asked him if he had anything special he was going to get to do over his summer vacation. He looked down at the floor and said, “No, we can’t afford to do anything fun this summer.” The LORD prompted me in my heart to help send him to a Christian camp for a week. “Isaiah,” I asked, “How would you like it if I talked to your mom and helped send you to a fun Christian camp this summer?” My heart was touched as his eyes lit up with excitement as he said, “That would be awesome!” God cares about hurting children and when we learn to give to help a needy child, we get to please the heart of God.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 34 – Thousands of men holding up their wallets

at Promise Keepers events

I had the privilege of speaking to thousands of men at Promise Keepers events about managing their finances God’s way, and learning to become faithful and generous givers. Oftentimes, at PK events, speakers have men stand up to dedicate themselves to God. But at the end of my message, I have men take out their wallets and hold them up to God. I would then lead them in the following prayer: “Heavenly Father, all I have and all I ever will have comes from you and belongs to you. LORD, please help me be a faithful manager and a generous giver of all you entrust to me now and for the rest of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” For most men, this was the first time they had ever dedicated all they have and all they ever will have to God. Have you done this?

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 35 – Truck manager donates 6 trucks to camp

While working for a Christian camp, I received an unusual phone call. The man on the phone said, “You don’t know me, but I was wondering if your camp could use 6 pickup trucks if my company donated them to you?” I told him “we sure could,” but I was wondering why he thought of us. He told me he was a Christian and his job was to manage his company’s fleet of pickup trucks. Each truck was to be used for 3 years and then new trucks would be purchased. He was told by his boss that he could get rid of the old trucks any way he wanted. He said, “I know that God has placed me in this position so I can be a blessing to ministries that are reaching people for Christ.” Has God blessed you with the control of any resources that could be given to reach people for Christ?

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 36 – Birthday presents for Jesus at Christmas

Every Christmas, my family would read the Bible story about Jesus’ birth before our children got to open their Christmas presents. We would always remind them it was Jesus’ birthday we were celebrating. But last year, we realized if it's Jesus’ birthday we're celebrating, why aren’t we giving any gifts to Jesus? The Bible says when you give to the least of these, you're giving to the LORD. So, this past Christmas, we gave each of our children a specific amount of money, which was worth far more than the Christmas presents they'd be opening in a few minutes. We then gave them a list of needy people and missionaries. Each of them had to then choose and tell everyone how they were going to give the money they had as a Christmas present to Jesus. Afterwards, we opened our gifts.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 37 – Worker on minimum wage donates $2,700 necklace

While our church was going through a building fund drive to purchase a new building, a young woman asked if she could talk with me after church. She told me that she only made minimum wage but she really wanted to help financially with the building fund project. She said she had an ugly necklace she would never wear that was given to her when her wealthy aunt died. She was wondering if we could take the necklace to help with the building fund drive. I told her that we couldn’t use the necklace, but she could sell the necklace and give the proceeds to the building fund. Within a few weeks, she was able to sell the necklace and she joyfully gave a $2,700 donation to the building fund drive!

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 38 – Unexpected $500 sales bonus fulfills a faith promise

Every year my church invited people to make an annual faith promise to help support missions. One year, I felt prompted to make a $750 faith promise. When the year was almost over, I discovered I'd only given $250 towards my $750 commitment. I was a salesman and I'd gone a whole year without any sales! A few days before the last $500 was due on my faith promise, my boss asked me to come to his office. Since I hadn’t sold anything all year, I was sure I was going to get fired. Instead, my boss gave me a $500 sales bonus check for all my hard work and the cheerful attitude I always displayed. I was amazed! I got a $500 sales bonus and I hadn’t had a sale in a year! I drove to the church rejoicing as I took the $500 the LORD miraculously provided so I could fulfill my faith promise.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 39 – Milk for a prisoner’s 6 children

One day I was talking with Patrick at our church. He was one of 6 children being raised by their mother while their father was serving a multi-year prison sentence. Somehow the subject of milk came up in our conversation. Patrick mentioned he loved milk but at their house he and his 5 brothers and sisters didn’t get to have milk very often because they couldn’t afford it. The LORD brought to my mind Matthew 10:42 that says whoever gives even a cup of water to a child, will not lose his reward. I went home and talked with my wife and we joyfully decided to purchase a year’s supply of milk that would be delivered to their home every week so these 6 children could have milk without their mother having to worry about the cost.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org


Day 40 – Factory worker’s $500 miracle bonus

Our 3-year-old church had a chance to buy a $2-million-dollar building for only $500,000 if we could come up with the money in 90 days. I told everyone in the church to be watching for unexpected financial provisions in their life during this 90-day period. A factory worker, named Mike, told me he thought it was stupid for me to tell people to look for unexpected monies so people could give generously to the building project. But the next week, Mike’s factory foreman called him into the office and gave Mike an envelope. Mike thought it was a pink slip saying he was getting laid off or fired. But instead, it was a $500 bonus for his good work. Mike couldn’t believe it. He had never heard of anyone in his factory getting a bonus before. Mike joyfully gave all $500 to the 90-day building fund project.

BACK TO THE TOP This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org and www.kluth.org