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  1. As a child, what was one of your earliest or most vivid recollections about giving money to God OR what do you recall about your parent’s practices and attitudes about giving to God?

  2. When you filled out the worksheet for the first week’s project, “Income”, what surprised you or caught your attention in doing this exercise? 

  3. What truth or Bible verse from the past seven days of reading stood out to you the most?

  4. Who is the most financially generous person you know?

  5. How old were you when the idea of tithing (giving 10% of your income) came into your conscious thoughts?

  6. If you do not faithfully give 10% or more of your income to the Lord’s work, what do you think are the real reasons you’re holding back from doing this?

  7. If you do faithfully give 10% or more of your income to the Lord’s work, how old were you and what were the financial circumstances in your life when you first started tithing?

  8. If you do faithfully give 10% or more of your income to the Lord’s work, what are the values and benefits you’ve seen by faithfully doing this?

  9. What do you feel is the difference between giving tithes and giving offerings?

  10. How do you make sure that giving to your local church is the first priority in your Christian giving?

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  1. What financial situation did you grow up with (i.e. not enough money, just made ends meets, more than enough, it varied, etc.)?

  2. What did your parents do, if anything, to help train you to manage your finances?

  3. What did you think about the “Count Your Blessings” article? Could this practice have any impact on your life and giving?

  4. When you filled out the “Lifestyle” worksheet for this week’s project, what surprised you or caught your attention in doing this exercise?

  5. What was the most painful or difficult financial experience you ever recall going through?

  6. Have you ever intentionally curtailed your normal spending in order to be more generous to the Lord’s work? If so, when?

  7. What truth or Bible verse from the past seven days of reading stood out to you the most?

  8. What was the best financial advice or teaching you’ve ever received (from reading, seminars/conferences, personal example, or personal advice)?

  9. What is one thing you spend your money on that is unhealthy for you or is a waste of money?

  10. What is something you bought on impulse that you realized later you didn’t really need?

  11. If you began to experience tough times financially, would you try to take care of your own needs first or would you first make sure you first gave to God from whatever minimal resources you had available? Why?

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  1. Growing up, what was a possession that you really, really wanted and then finally got? Did it bring as much satisfaction and significance to your life as you were expecting? Where is the item today?

  2. A re you more of a pack-rat or a throw-it-out type of person? Why? Are the Scriptures you’ve been reading causing you to reconsider or reinforce your attitude and practices? Why?

  3. When you filled out the “Assets” worksheet for this week’s project, what surprised you or caught your attention in doing this exercise?

  4. If you think back to one of the most financially generous things you ever did for the Lord’s work, what was it?

  5. Have you ever regretted any giving you’ve done to the Lord’s work?

  6. What truth or Bible verse from the past seven days of reading stood out to you the most?

  7. What are your three largest financial assets?

  8. What did you think of the millionaire giver’s story? If you could give a million dollars to the Lord’s work over 5 years, where would you give it?

  9. Have you ever sold something in order to be more generous to a special need for the Lord’s work?

  10. Have you ever given away a possession to help in the Lord’s work or to help a person in need? What did you give away? How did it make you feel?

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  1. Are you a systematic giver, a spontaneous giver or a little of both?

  2. If you have children, what have you done to help them become faithful and generous givers?

  3. Have you experienced any of creative provisions mentioned in the article on "God's Creative Provisions"?

  4. When you filled out the “Giving” worksheet for this week’s project, what surprised you or caught your attention in doing this exercise?

  5. How have you determined how much you will give to your local church? How do you give (cash, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, yearly, sporadically, loose cash you have on you, etc.)?

  6. What other types of ministries or needs do you like to give to?

  7. Do you take into consideration the tax implications of your giving? Why or why not?

  8. What truth or Bible verse from the past seven days of reading stood out to you the most?

  9. How do you make sure you are faithful in your giving to the Lord (i.e. write the check/s monthly, keep track in a bookkeeping program, put the Lord’s money in a special place, electronic giving, etc.)?

  10. If married, do you agree together on whatever giving you are going to do OR does each person have freedom to give OR is there one of you that is the main decider of where and how much you’ll give?

  11. If you have children, do your children know how much you give, where you give and why you give? Why or why not?

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  1. When you started this 40-day journey, were you excited, skeptical, or dreading it? How do you feel now?

  2. What is one of the biggest things you’ve learned about wealth and generosity while going through this journey?

  3. The article this week talks about God showing you "lines in the sand" to move you to greater levels of generosity.  What "lines in the sand” have you crossed in the past? What line in the sand is God calling you to cross now?

  4. When you filled out the “Response” worksheet for this week’s project, what surprised you or caught your attention in doing this exercise?

  5. How do you think this journey will influence your giving to your church? To other ministries? To special needs?

  6. What truth or Bible verse from the past seven days of reading stood out to you the most?

  7. Have you begun to see God work in your life in fresh ways because of any changes you’ve begun to make in your finances and giving?

  8. Have you experienced any unusual or unexpected financial provisions or blessings in your life since you started this journey? If yes, what have they been?

  9. What do you feel God is calling you to do with the opportunity that was introduced in the beginning of this workbook?

  10. Can you think of anyone else you know who might benefit from going through this workbook?

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If you have been meeting and discussing this devotional booklet with your spouse, family, group, or class, take time to fill out the following letter and

then share the highlights of what you wrote in your letter OR read your

letter out loud. Pray together after everyone has shared.


Dear Sovereign Lord; Provider and Owner

of all I have or ever will have:

I want to thank you for this 40-day journey and the following things you

have impressed upon my heart and life that I might live and give more

joyfully and generously than ever before:




















Your Signature: _________________________ Date: _______________

P.S. If you would like to send a note about how God used this booklet in your life, please email the author, Brian Kluth, at 40days@kluth.org. THANK YOU!

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