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By Brian Kluth, Pastor and Founder of
Here is some practical advice for people who have questions, doubts or
fears about giving to the Lord’s work.
If you are NOT a Christian:
Don’t worry about giving to God. Instead, realize and accept what
God wants to give to you -- complete forgiveness, a brand new start,
the power to be good and to do good for others, help for your
problems, the ability to forgive, and a home in heaven. If you
recognize your need for these things, pray and invite Jesus Christ
to bring these things into your life.
For all Christians:
Always make it a priority to faithfully support the work of your
local church first. Then give special gifts and offerings to other
Christian causes, projects, missions or the needy as God leads you.
If you’re fearful about giving 10% or more of your income to the
Lord, try a 90-day test:
In Malachi 3:10 God invites people to “test Him” in the matter of
tithing (giving the first 10% of your income to God’s work).
Therefore, I encourage people to try a 90-day test. Begin giving 10%
of your income to the Lord’s work and watch and see if God does not
begin working in your life in ways you haven’t previously
experienced. If you regret that decision OR if you feel you never
experienced God’s divine help in your finances during this time
period, then discontinue the test. However, if you experience God’s
help, joyfully continue giving 10% or more to the Lord’s work.
If you want to begin to actively give to God FIRST:
Here are four different ideas to choose from: (1) Whenever you
get any money, set aside 10% or more to give as the Lord directs.
(2) Whenever you put a deposit in your checkbook, write out the
first check(s) to God’s work for 10% or more. (3) If you track your
finances through a bookkeeping system or computer program, set up a
category for church giving and another one for other Christian
causes. Then begin to faithfully set aside 10% or more of your
income into these accounts. (4) If you like to handle your finances
electronically, consider using
or the electronic giving option from your church (if available) to
faithfully give 10% or more to the Lord.
If you are married to a Christian, but the two of you do not agree
on how much you should give to the Lord’s work:
See if your spouse will read through this material and/or listen to
some of the internet messages at
or this website. Then talk and pray together about a mutually
agreeable “testing period” concerning your giving 10% or more.
If you are married and your spouse is not a Christian:
Identify any money you have freedom to spend (read Luke 8:3) and set
aside 10% or more of this money to give to the Lord’s work AN D/OR
show this material to your spouse and see if you can try the 90-day
testing period.
If you are deciding whether to give off the gross or the net of your
Pray and ask God what He wants you to do. If He prompts you in your
heart to give off the gross amount, go ahead and do this, trusting
Him with the results. If you don’t have a peace about this, begin
giving 10% off the net amount for a few months and see what happens.
After a few months, if you experience God’s creative care in your
life, then begin to give 10% or more off of your gross income.
If you’re wondering about how much to give to your church and how
much to give to other places:
A good practice I have used is to give 10% of my main source of
income to my local church (i.e. my main income goes to support the
work of my main source of Christian fellowship and teaching). Then,
I use 10% or more of all other incomes sources and unexpected
blessings to help fund other Christian needs and opportunities that
God brings into my life.
If you have children at home:
Help your children set up a place where they can set aside “God’s
portion” of any money they receive (i.e., allowances, work projects,
gifts of money, etc.). Have them give at church, to missions, and/or
to help people in need.
If you have “fallen behind” in your giving to God’s work:
If you knowingly or accidentally have fallen behind in your giving
to God’s work, you will never regret the decision to “get right” in
this area. Review your financial records from the past several
months and pray about “making up” the amount you have fallen behind.
One elderly lady in her 90’s I heard about sent a tithe check to the
church office with the note, “I want to be prayed up, paid up, and
ready to go!”
Brian Kluth